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"Success Begins in the mind"

Success begins in the mind, so if you want to be successful start thinking of yourself as successful. Believe it or not, I've struggled with this way of thinking a few times but I overcame it and so can you. I can tell you from my personal experiences the fashion/acting industry is tough to break into and tough to grow and maintain an advantageous business in. But if you don’t believe in yourself and your product it is almost unfeasible.

This was a night I put myself in a uncomfortable situation to push myself.

For me and many like me, negative thinking is an excuse for not effectively moving forward in a project just because you're fearful. This uncomfortable feeling of fear is often linked to a lack of trust, the view that others present to us, or even seeking approval from those around us. Situations like: “I should not do this because I’m sure it’s not simple", "I’ll never thrive” or “imagine what my parents would think if I started this? “ These are small examples that will ensure your total failure in any project.

Millions of everyday people just like you and I are developing the skills required to create the lives they desire and deserve today. Why wait for tomorrow? SERIOUSLY... Why wait? It’s time you became one of them, TODAY!

Just take a moment to ask yourself these quick questions. Do you realize that success itself begins and ends in the mind? Can you imagine what you could achieve if you developed the mindset of a successful person? Some people even take it as far as using tools such as hypnosis, yes, they do. Am I saying go out there and find a hypnotist? No, of course not. I'm just saying, you can create the life of your dreams by grasping general laws that have served since the beginning of time.

Let me backtrack a bit. Although it's accurate, external incentives have vast influence and impact upon your life, existence, and joy you must first embrace the thought that what happens in your life is neither good nor bad. It is solely how you perceive it that determines whether it is good or bad. It is your perception of a situation that defines how it affects your life experience.

I could go on and on, but I'll finish with this. Nearly all of us have been accustomed, to a greater or lesser extent, to focus on distress and negativity. Believe me, when I say, you must reverse this mental trend if you wish to succeed at anything.

Thank you for your time,

J. Ortiz

Check out this short video to get some advice from Will Smith.

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